Double Transit (2015)
Double Transit is a video installation that explores the distinction between counting (digital) and measuring (analog) through the development of a fictitious units of measure called the Lunar Diameter System. Counting provides an exact result, whereas measuring supplies an approximate result and requires the use of judgement and intuition. The constant movement and phases of the moon in relation to the earth (as well as the constant movement of the artist) points to the continuous flux of the Lunar Diameter system. As part of the project, the artist constructed a series of instruments to measure distance, time and direction, as well as a set of camera stands to document the process of discovery.
The project includes a series of videos including the determination of BLD (Blurry Lunar Diameter) and FLD (Focused Lunar Diameter) using a set of blank vernier calipers held up to the window of the artist's studio. These units were used to create the lunar tape measurer . The units of measure were subsequently used to explore the relationship between the artist and moon over the course of several months.
A compass and lunar gnomon were used to locate the moon out of the window of the artist's studio. One leg of the lunar gnomon is clearly seen in the installation and video, and can be used to calculate scale and color correction values. The gnomon’s shadow can be used to calibrate time, position, and local vertical.
The third video documents the measurement of the Artist Stride Distance (ASD) using the Lunar Diameter System. The artist recorded several tests, walking through a plaster coated surface in order to accurately measure the stride at 7.83 Blurry Lunar Diameters. Measuring tools such as vernier calipers and the Lunar Diameter System Tape Measurer were used. Since stride is dependent on mood, energy, shoes and a host of other factors, this unit is in constant flux.
The project was inspired by conversations and collaborations with William Vietinghoff, an Apollo-era engineer and researcher from Santa Susana Field Laboratory.